18 February 2019

Initiative for Schools in Kaspi 2018

HeidelbergCement Rewards All First-graders in Kaspi with School Supplies and Schoolbags.  Starting school for a child is a fundamental milestone. Equipping new students with school essentials is often the best action plan to ease the pressure and create a festive ambience. A social responsibility initiative that HeidelbergCement turned into a tradition entails gifting all first-graders of Kaspi a complete set of school supplies each year.Company representatives handed schoolbags, notebooks, sketchbooks, pencil bags, pens, pencils, colored pencils, erasers and sharpeners to inaugural student of all five schools in Kaspi:  I, II, III, and IV public schools, as well as Besik Niparishvili Multi-profile gymnasium.

This year the project covered 191 first-graders, totaling 574 beneficiaries since the inception of the initiative back in 2016. HeidelbergCement pledges to keep this program running and support the community by encouraging youngsters to study for a better future of Georgia. First grade is a crucial transitional year for young children as they make the change from kindergarten to big kids' school and Heidelberg intends to be by their side on this significant first day of school for many generations.

HeidelbergCement is one of the acclaimed global leaders in the production of building materials with around 63,000 employees and over 3,000 production facilities located in 60 countries. The Company has been operating in Georgia since 2006 and presently owns three cement factories in Kaspi and Rustavi, a cement terminal in Poti and a cement mill in Supsa. HeidelbergCement has invested over EUR 200 million in Georgia and has given employment to over 1,200 persons locally.